Dec 21, 2023

Rachel Belle on Desert Island Dishes

Rachel Belle on Desert Island Dishes

Across the pond, in a country far, far away (um, England), Your Last Meal has a podcast cousin! On each episode of Desert Island Dishes, chef and host Margie Nomura asks her guests about the dishes that have shaped their lives, including the last dish they’d eat before being cast off to the desert island.  

Host Rachel Belle was a guest on the show and this week we are bringing you that episode! After interviewing thousands of people in her career as a broadcast journalist, food and culture writer and podcast host, Rachel takes a break from asking questions and gets to answer some! 

Rachel tells Margie about the food her family invented and sold in the 1980s, the most memorable dish from her childhood, how she got her start as a journalist and why “anticipation” will always be the most delicious ingredient.  

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